
Qassam squad (archives)
Photo: AFP

Palestinian groups agree to halt rocket fire

Palestinian official tells Ynet Hamas-led talks yielded agreement between armed organizations to halt Qassam attacks

Palestinian armed groups in the Gaza Strip agreed on Sunday to stop firing rockets towards Israel, a Palestinian official told Ynet.


The official said the agreement was the fruit of talks between the dismissed Hamas government and representatives of armed groups responsible for daily rocket attacks against the Jewish state.


The official said that the agreement was sped up by the attack on the Zikim military base last week. The attack left 67 soldiers injured and increased public pressure on the government to launch a large-scale military operation in Gaza to halt the attacks.


The official said that the armed groups had been limiting their operations to attacks against Israeli soldiers operating in the Gaza Strip.


Israel launched limited incursions in the north and south of the Gaza Strip after the attack on Zikim.


The official said Fatah was seeking to hamper Hamas-led efforts to bind Palestinian groups to a ceasefire, accusing Fatah gunmen of firing mortar shells toward Israel over the weekend.


The official said that Palestinian groups had agreed not to renew rocket fire unless Israel carried out targeted assassinations against senior gunmen.


פרסום ראשון: 09.16.07, 13:47
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