
Miki Goldwasser
Photo: Erez Lichtfeld
Hizbullah secretary general Hassan Nasrallah gives victory speech before Lebanese citizens
Photo: Reuters

‘Claim the Lebanon you deserve’

Mother of kidnapped IDF soldier Ehud Goldwasser urges Lebanese people to work towards peace in letter published by al-sharq al-Awsat Arabic newspaper

“Our fate and yours are one and the same, and that fate is in Nasrallah’s hand.”


It was with those words that Miki Goldwasser, mother of kidnapped IDF soldier Ehud Goldwasser, appealed to the Lebanese people in a letter published by the London based Arabic newspaper al-sharq al-Awsat Thursday.


In her letter, Goldwasser called on the Lebanese people to embark on a new path to peace in light of the new year.


“A new Jewish year is ahead of us, and more than any other Jewish holiday, it represents the ability of Jews to adapt and let go of the fate that has struck them,” Goldwasser wrote.


“Over the past year, Israelis have known war, destruction, the Winograd Commission, protests, and solidarity rallies. But the power of Israeli democracy has proven itself anew in succeeding to deal with the failures in democratic ways.


“A year has passed since the war, and during this year the economy has not only stabilized, but re-flourished. The destruction has been rehabilitated, and tourists have returned to the north. Life is back to normal.


“With regards to Lebanon, 2006 should have been a year of prosperity for the Lebanese people. Lebanon was preparing for plenty of tourists who were meant to come and enjoy the country’s beauty. But what happened to the country?


“Instead of financial prosperity, destruction occured, and its people harmed. No tourists came and no damage was fixed.


“The promises made to the Lebanese people were not kept. There is no democracy, and no freedom of expression. Lebanon is sinking. This beautiful land, the land of cedars, is being destroyed - the land that was supposed to be the pearl of the Middle East.”


Towards the end of her letter, Goldwasser urged the Lebanese people to renounce Hizbullah.


“Particularly during the month of Ramadan, the Lebanese people must reflect – do they want to disappear into the darkness of the middle ages and live in poverty, destruction, violence, and crime? Or do they want their country to move forward and prosper?” she asked.


Goldwasser urged Lebanese citizens to claim the country they deserved; “Lebanon, which will go back to normal life, and to which prosperity will return.”


פרסום ראשון: 09.20.07, 08:50
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