
Military academy in Paris (archives)
Photo: Oren Agmon

Coming soon: Military academy in Israel

Institution of higher education to grant bachelors as well as masters degrees, and perhaps even doctorates

The IDF plans to establish a military academy, a senior army source revealed Monday.


The institution of higher education, to be modeled after the United States Military Academy at West Point, will grant bachelors as well as masters degrees and perhaps even doctorates.


The IDF is hoping to receive permission from the Israel Council for Higher Education to go ahead with the project soon.


Plans for the project were announced at a press meeting held last week to mark the new structure of the IDF Special Staff and Command College.


In wake of lessons learned from the Second Lebanon War last summer, students from the three branches of the IDF—air, land and sea—are studying together in the same course for the first time.


The commander of the IDF College, Brigadier-General Avi Ashkenazi, explained that "in creating this course, we have placed a special emphasis on the lessons learned from the last war."


Seventy students are participating in the course, one of whom is Major Tal, the son of former IDF Chief of Staff Dan Halutz, who is a cargo pilot in the Israel Air Force. The commander of the college is the brother of the current IDF chief Gabi Ashkenazi.


פרסום ראשון: 09.25.07, 10:13
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