
Photo: Niv Calderon
Benny Regev appeals to Olmert
Photo: Niv Calderon
Reproduction photo: Hagai Aharon
Kidnapped soldier Eldad Regev
Reproduction photo: Hagai Aharon

Captive's brother: Make sign of life condition for peace conference

Benny Regev, brother of Eldad Regev who was kidnapped by Hizbullah last year, urges Prime Minister Olmert to demand a sign of life from captors before heading for international conference in November; says giving sign of life would be trust-building step on part of Arab states

Benny Regev, brother of kidnapped IDF soldier Eldad Regev urged Prime Minister Ehud Olmert to demand a sign of life from his brother's captors.


"Ehud Olmert, demand a sign of life of the captives before the peace conference in November, and make this demand a condition for your arrival," Regev said Sunday, speaking before a crowd of 3,000 at the Nokdim settlement in an event marking the 40th anniversary of settlement in Gush Etzion.


Talking to Ynet, Regev said, "The prime minister must condition his leaving for the conference with receiving a sign of life from the captives. This is an excellent opportunity to promote the issue of the captives.


"This is a meeting of Arab states, the United States and other countries that are committed to the release of the captives according to UN resolution 1701, and if he does not (demand a sign of life) – we have missed another chance.


"I am asking for something trivial, a sign of life. The prime minister, when he is at the conference, should be a mouth for Eldad, Udi (Ehud Goldwasser) and Gilad (Shalit) and work adamantly to receive a sign of life."


'Parties must build trust' 

In his speech at Nokdim Regev said the Israeli government has been making efforts to have the soldiers freed ever since there capture over one year ago, but urged the government to do more.


"The State of Israel must continuously and incessantly demand information and the immediate release of the captives in a determined and assertive voice. Right now the government has to take steps to build trust, not just with Arab states, but also with the citizens of Israel.


"We must build up the trust of citizens called for reserves or compulsory service – full trust, because all of us, and especially the people's representatives, stand behind them and beside them during their service, and in the event of, God forbid, injury or captivity. In a time of extensive draft-dodging… we must reinforce the knowledge among IDF soldiers that we are doing everything in our power to bring them home safely."


Regev added, "We must also demand trust-building steps from Arab states and the Palestinians, they must prove to us that their way is a way of peace and concessions, respect of human rights and international law.


"Giving a sign of life and regular Red Cross visits to examine the conditions of their imprisonment would be a trust-building, right and worthy step on their part."


פרסום ראשון: 10.01.07, 00:38
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