
Swastikas (Archive photo)

Swastikas found in Haifa synagogue

Worshipers discover swastikas in synagogue in northern city in apparent vandalistic attack

Swastikas were found sprayed in a Haifa synagogue on Thursday morning when police discovered the vandals had broken into and defiled the place of worship.


"These are youths trying to test us and to defy the rule of law. I believe that these deeds were not motivated by neo-Nazi ideology but thuggery for the sake of thuggery," police commander Dudu Ben-Atiya said.


A 19-year-old was arrested earlier this week on suspicion that he sprayed swastikas on cars and walls and set fire to a sukka in the city.


Last Friday, swastikas and Nazi slogans were found sprayed on a Bnei Brak synagogue.


פרסום ראשון: 10.04.07, 11:44
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