
Surprise in Ashkelon
Photo: Zion Pashut

Man in birthday suit blocks traffic in Ashkelon

Drivers on their way to work in seaside city greeted by unusual sight causing morning traffic jams

The corner of Ben Gurion and Hahistadrut streets near the Barzilai Medical Center is one of the busiest intersections in Ashkelon—especially in the morning.


This is why residents of the seaside city were surprised to find out that the particularly bad traffic Tuesday morning was not caused by an accident, but rather by a man wearing only his underwear standing in the middle of the road.


The man later shocked motorists further when he removed his underwear while blocking traffic.


"I live across the street and I noticed something was going on," city resident Zion Pashut told Ynet. "I walked outside to see a man in his underwear waving his arms in the middle of the street.


"At a certain point, he took off his underwear and was as naked as the day he was born. Just like that, the man stood in the street for more than ten minutes creating a commotion and completely stopping traffic. In the end, a passerby simply moved him onto the sidewalk," Pashut recounted.

Man in birthday suit (Photo: Zion Pashut)


The police showed up after the man had already been moved.


"It was very dangerous. The man could have gotten hurt or caused an accident, but no one bother to move him from there. Fortunately, someone took the initiative to move him," Pashut added.


The incident caused many to believe that a mentally-disturbed patient had escaped from Barzilai hospital—something that has happened in the past—but that was not the case.


"This man came to be treated at the hospital," a spokesman for Barzilai said. "After he received treatment at the hospital, he was released. Due to medical confidentiality, we can not divulge details of the man's medical condition, but he is not mentally ill," the hospital representative said.


The police said the man was a 42-years-old that had been brought to the hospital by Magen David Adom. They eventually returned the man to the Barzilai to undergo more medical checkups.


Police handcuffed the man to his bed just to make sure he didn't decided to parade around naked in evening traffic as well.


פרסום ראשון: 10.16.07, 15:04
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