
Photo: Galit Kosovsky
Situation critical (Illustration)
Photo: Galit Kosovsky

Police suspect Palestinians stab employer

36-year-old farmer from Moshav Porat suffers multiple stab wounds; police arrest suspects fleeing scene, incident investigated as both criminal, nationalistic. Farmer's condition critical

A 36-year-old man from Moshav Porat in the Sharon Region was stabbed Thursday. He was taken to the Meir Medical Center Hospital Kfar Saba in critical condition.


Once the incident was reported, police forces initiated a manhunt for the suspects: mass Border Guard forces were called in to assist in the search, as well as a police helicopter.


The police eventually arrested several suspects, who were identified as Palestinians working on the man's farm. They were caught trying to flee the scene.


According to suspicions, they allegedly overpowered their employer, tied him up and stabbed him multiple times. The police have yet to determine whether the nature of the incident was criminal or nationalistic.


A passerby who noticed the wounded farmer, called Magen David Adom Emergency Services: "We found the victim conscious and struggling for air, we gave him initial treatment and took him to the hospital," Danny Rahamin, the MDA paramedic who arrived first at the scene, told Ynet.  


פרסום ראשון: 11.15.07, 12:33
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