
Classical music outdoors

Been to a concert lately?

Survey conducted by Israeli Chamber Orchestra reveals 40% of Israelis have never been to a classical music concert. Culture Ministry blames education system, Education Ministry not set to teach classical music education

A new survey is causing distress to Israeli orchestras. Conducted by the Israeli Chamber Orchestra, the survey revealed that over 40% of Israelis have never been to a concert hall. About 43% of adult Israelis never listen to classical music and only 2.8% attend concerts regularly.


Gil Shohat, Musical Director of the Israeli Chamber Orchestra, said in response: "Orchestras have an important role in instilling classical music's values in the general public. In order to do so, we need to collect data and learn about the musical preferences of the population. That is the reason we conducted the survey."


One way of attracting the public is by combining classical music with other genres: "We did it with 'The Wall,'" said Shohat. "The Ministries of Culture and Education should be concerned about the findings. The question must be asked: Do we want the classical culture and classical masterpieces to be an integral part of our being or not."


The Musical Director of the Israel Kibbutz Orchestra Yaron Gottfried said that "the findings can't be refuted. It is happening all over the world. Yet, our orchestra is the exception - in the past six years, we have seen an increase in the number of subscribers."


Gottfried said that alongside educational activities and creative combinations of genres, a plan to reposition classical music on the public's agenda, must be drawn." If you're not on TV, you do not exist. Unfortunately, there is no interest in broadcasting concerts."


Director of the Music Department at the Culture Administration at the Ministry of Science, Culture and Sports Raya Zimran is concerned but points the finger at the Education Ministry: "It has to be taught from a young age but primary schools rarely invest in it.


"We try to encourage educational activities within the community. But it's almost impossible to 'teach an old dog new tricks.' All of us – as a society – are responsible for these findings but we must also face reality."


פרסום ראשון: 11.28.07, 13:33
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