
Barak: Who's ready to join hands?
Photo: Gil Yohanan

Barak: We must safeguard Israel's interests

In meeting at Labor Party headquarters, defense minister says 'next year will be very busy – both in the political and defense arenas.' Criticizes Minister Shaul Mofaz and former party chair Peretz

From Annapolis to the Labor Party: Minister of Defense and Labor Party Chairman Ehud Barak Thursday night said that "Israel must be anywhere there is a chance for settling (the conflict) or work towards peace."


In a meeting at party headquarters in Tel Aviv, Barak spoke of his participation in the Annapolis conference: "No prime minister can allow himself not to be in a place like that and work for a breakthrough. The negotiations were neither simple nor easy. We will need to remain level-headed to safeguard Israel's interests."


"In discussions with the Americans, Israel's security concerns were raised," he continued. "There are many issues on the table, but I find (the Americans) attentive, and I also spoke with the Russian foreign minister. Their position is not far off from that of the US on several issues."


On the winning side

Regarding the future, Barak said "the next year will be very busy – both in the political and defense arenas, and difficult decisions will be made. On the political plane- it will be a hectic year- the budget, the arrangements law... If we are alert and ready and understand the public will, we will find ourselves on the winning side at year's end."


The defense minister addressed other issues as well, including the teachers' strike. He criticized Minister Shaul Mofaz, who signed a petition against Education Minister Yuli Tamir, saying, "We condemn this act in plain and simple language. We fully support (Tamir); the government must discuss how she can fulfill the obligations (of her position)."


Barak did not miss the opportunity to attack the previous party chairman, Amir Peretz, who had recently criticized Barak. "I expect friends to join hands for our victory. Feuds have torn parties apart, and whoever does not feel like joining hands at the very least should refrain from disturbing others. We can win even without those who are not ready to join us.


"I was not elected to arbitrate arguments between friends. Whoever is ready to join will be welcomed. We do not care where you were in the last elections. I have a blessed ability to forget," he said. 



פרסום ראשון: 11.29.07, 20:20
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