
Photo: AP
Mashaal. Checking options
Photo: AP

Report: Militant Palestinian factions discuss ceasefire with Israel

London based Al-Quds Al-Arabi reports of a Damascus meeting between Hamas, Islamic, PRC and Fatah's al-Aqsa Brigades reps to discuss possible ceasefire with Israel, fearing IDF incursion in Gaza is near

The London based Al-Quds Al-Arabi newspaper reported Saturday that senior Palestinian officials, both from the Gaza Strip and Syria's militant factions, have met recently in Damascus to discuss the possibility of a hudna – a ceasefire – with Israel.


The talks, said the newspaper, came as a result of the Palestinians' fear that the IDF is gearing up for a possible incursion in Gaza.


According to the report, the meeting was attended by representatives from the Islamic Jihad, Hamas, Popular Resistance Committees (PRC) and Fatah's military wing's al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades; the factions apparently discussed the possible cease fire of Qassam rockets toward Israel.


Al-Quds Al-Arabi went on to quote sources close to the Islamic Jihad as saying the Jihad was in favor of a ceasefire proving Israel will stop the targeted assassinations of its operatives – an operation in which some 50 Jihad operatives have been killed in the past month.


The paper goes on to report Egypt has agreed to negotiate the ceasefire and that Hamas politburo chief Khaled Mashaal met last week with the Jihad's Secretary-General, Ramadan Shallah, to discuss the possible hudna, as well as the consequences of a possible IDF incursion in Gaza.


Meanwhile, Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh called for new talks between Hamas and Fatah: "We believe it is essential to launch peace talks immediately, in order to repair the rift within the Palestinian people."


Sources close to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas confirmed that Hamas ahs approached Fatah on the matter, but said Fatah was forces to decline the offer, given that Hamas still refuses to relinquish its control over Gaza Strip.


פרסום ראשון: 12.08.07, 17:54
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