
Olmert and Abbas at Annapolis - a major push

Syria: Annapolis paved way for peace

Ambassador to Washington says conference 'created new momentum' for Israeli-Palestinian peace efforts

Syria's ambassador to Washington is optimistic a recent US-hosted Mideast peace conference will serve as a start to improved relations with the United



Imad Moustapha, Syria's ambassador to the United States, was involved in the recent peace talks in Annapolis, Maryland. Syria wanted a promise from Israel to restart stalled talks and improve diplomatic relationships with the Bush administration, he said.


"Annapolis has created this new momentum for peace," He told more than 400 people gathered Tuesday at the University of Montana.


The Bush administration has recently appeared to relax its diplomatic hard line against Syria, which has played a role in past peace efforts.


Relations between the two countries have been strained since former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri was assassinated in Beirut in early 2005, a killing which the US And many in Lebanon blamed on Syria.


Following Hariri's death, the US Withdrew its ambassador to Syria and has attempted to isolate Damascus, accusing it of trying to destabilize its smaller Arab neighbor and for failing to prevent insurgents from sneaking across its border to Iraq. Syria has repeatedly denied any role in Hariri's death and says it is doing all it can to monitor the porous border with Iraq.


Moustapha, ambassador since 2004 and an academic before that, said it was very important for the Bush administration to reach out to Syria at the recent conference.


"We hope seriously and genuinely that this will be a new starting point after which relations between the United States and Syria will improve," Moustapha said.


Only the United States can broker such an arrangement, he said, adding that the Arab powerhouse can help the US Fight a common enemy - fundamentalist terrorist groups.


Syria also wants peace in Iraq. But he said his government believes the United States is wrong to continue pursuing a military solution in Iraq.


An occupying army will only create more extremists in the country, Moustapha said.


"It is in our national interest to help stabilize the situation in Iraq," Moustapha said. The Bush administration has been wrong to label Syria "A rogue state" And exclude it from diplomatic talks, he said.


"Our relations with the United States have only deteriorated in the last four years," Moustapha said. The ambassador said the Syrian delegation was pleased with a "Minor gesture" At the peace conference when Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice personally shook their hands and thanked them for attending.


He said the Annapolis peace talks improved relations "A little bit."


"I think we had very constructive discussions with all those who attended," Moustapha said.


פרסום ראשון: 12.12.07, 22:03
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