
Troops in Jenin (Archive)
Photo: AP

IDF arrests top Islamic Jihad commander in Jenin

Al-Quds brigades commander detained during army raid in West Bank town, along with his brother and 10 other Palestinians

A large army force raided a Jenin café Thursday evening, arresting the commander of Islamic Jihad's al-Quds Brigades in town, Abed al-Ruhmani Bargish, Palestinian sources reported.


Bargish's brother and 10 other operatives were also detained.


According to eyewitness, IDF soldiers encircled the place and a gunfight erupted between troops and local gunmen.


The IDF reported that a special force arrested a wanted Palestinian suspect during the operation and took him in for questioning. None of the soldiers was injured in the clash.


Earlier Thursday, IDF forces arrested nine Palestinians near Jenin for hurling stones at the separation fence. Seventeen other suspects were arrested during the night across the West Bank.


Efrat Weiss contributed to the report


פרסום ראשון: 12.13.07, 22:22
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