
Photo: AFP
The funeral procession
Photo: AFP

Gaza explosion claims 4

A suicide attack during a Gazan funeral procession for Fatah operative leaves four dead, 30 wounded. Hamas' held responsible, denies involvement

An explosion at a funeral procession on Friday left four Palestinians dead and more than 30 injured, as hundreds of mourners marched through Gaza City, in the funeral procession a Fatah arms dealer killed in Thursday's IAF attack in Gaza.


Witnesses said gunmen were firing in the air during the funeral of a Palestinian Fatah militant, Then, a powerful explosion went off. The source of the blast is believed to be a grenade.


Fatah officials were quick to blame Hamas for the attack, but the latter denied any involvement.


Hamas security officials said a participant in the funeral lobbed a pipe bomb at the edges of the procession, but the bomb bounced back into the procession, causing the mayhem.


Witnesses said one of the marchers was wearing a bomb around his waist, as he chanted atop one of the cars. He died in the explosion.


the various militant organizations in Gaza condemned the explosion. Many now fear the event may raise tensions between Palestinian factions, as they ready for Hamas' 20th anniversary celebrations.


Hamas' plans to hold a mass celebratory rally on Saturday, aimed to show the organization's strength. Sources in the organization told Ynet Hamas hops to trump Fatah's latest mass rallies, which saw hundreds of thousands of supporters.


AP contributed to this report


פרסום ראשון: 12.14.07, 15:24
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