
'War not one-sided.' Olmert
Photo: Reuters

Olmert says Israel will reach all those responsible for Qassam, mortar attacks

Prime minister tells fellow Kadima members 'our actions will speak for themselves, and the heads of the terror groups will feel them'; says results of IDF activity in Gaza 'impressive'

Referring to the recent developments in Gaza, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said Tuesday evening that Israel would continue to seek out leaders of terror organizations.


"All those responsible for the firing (of Qassams and mortar shells) on our communities – we will reach them. The actions will speak for themselves, and the heads of the terror groups will feel them," he told fellow Kadima party members at his official residence in Jerusalem.


"It seems that in the past few days more and more people have finally come to the realization that there is a war in Gaza. This war is not one-sided, and the courageous operations carried out by the security forces and the IDF in the past two days constitute a major achievement in the war against terror leaders in Gaza."


According to the PM, more than 200 terrorists have been killed in the Strip over the past few months. "This does not happen by chance," he said, "but is rather a result of the hard work and courageousness exhibited by the security forces – those who work day and night.


"True, this activity is not part of what is often defined as an 'extensive ground operation', but it is part of a focused and precise operation with impressive results," Olmert said. "This activity will not stop."


Speaking on the heels of the International Conference of Donors in Paris, the prime minister stated that the key to bringing about change in Israeli-Palestinian relations is the ability to create the infrastructure necessary to administer Palestinian affairs "in a more stable manner".


"There is a great international effort that is being exerted with our cooperation," he said. "There will be crises and protests in these negotiations. There are things that we will never give up, and there are others that we will be willing to discuss. I believe yesterday's (Monday) conference was an important part of the process." 


פרסום ראשון: 12.18.07, 21:43
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