
Photo: AFP
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Photo: AFP

Palestinian prisoner battered, soldiers shield culprit

Dozens of Givati Brigade soldiers present as one of their own batters Palestinian prisoner with blunt object. None of the soldiers willing to confess. One soldier, still in custody, refuses to name guilty party, claims 'I am innocent'. IDF Prosecutor’s Office: ‘This is aggravated assault’

For the past two weeks, Givati Brigade commanders and Military Police investigators have labored tirelessly to track down two soldiers who battered a Palestinian detainee in Nablus.


Dozens of soldiers were present during this incident, yet none are willing to name those responsible. One soldier was arrested in connection with this incident Friday, and a military court ordered his arrest be extended for four additional days. The detained soldier is unwilling to name those involved, and says that “he is not responsible” for these actions.


A military source investigating this incident told Ynet news that “This is a grave occurrence for several reasons. First and foremost this is assault and battery on a fellow human being in the guise of duty. Second of all, there is also an attempt to shield those responsible and cover up the incident.”


The Palestinian man in question stated that he was led blindfolded out of the Hativat Benyamin interrogation center, and felt two soldiers grabbing him tightly and hitting his head against a blunt object. The suspect could not see nor identify the soldiers in question. A complaint was filed following the incident, leading the IDF to launched a formal investigation into the matter.


Speaking on behalf of the soldier detained on suspicion of these charges, Captain Danny Tavakov, his attorney said that “Tavakov is innocent; he did not commit this offense. Once additional soldiers are arrested in connection with this incident, and the guilty party is uncovered, my client will be proven innocent,” he said.


On Friday, a military judge ordered Tavakov’s arrest be extended until Monday, and noted that the investigation into this incident must be concluded as soon as possible.


As of yet, no Givati soldier has admitted to these actions, but a military source told Ynet news that “Those responsible will be apprehended and brought to justice. This ‘conspiracy of silence’ among Givati soldiers will likewise be dealt with by their commanding officers.” 


פרסום ראשון: 12.23.07, 09:13
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