
Qassam in Sderot (Archive)
Photo: Zeev Trachtman, Din Veheshbon

Wednesday: 11 Qassam rockets fall in Sderot area

Yet another day of Palestinian rocket barrages terrorize southern Israeli town, Islamic Jihad claims responsibility for attacks

A Qassam barrage on Sderot: Eight rockets fell Wednesday afternoon in open areas around Sderot and two inside the Gaza Strip. One woman was treated for shock. Al-Quds Brigade, the military wing of Islamic Jihad, assumed responsibility for the attack.


Around 1:30 PM a "Code Red" warning siren was sounded after which five explosions were heard next to the city.


The second salvo was launched around 5:20 PM, and three Qassam rockets landed in the Sderot area, with two falling far short of their destination in PA territory. No injuries or damages were reported.


In the evening, another three Qassam rockets fell next to the security fence south of Ashkelon. Once again, the missiles caused no injuries or damages.


At the same time, the Air Force fired on a Qassam-launching cell in the northern Gaza Strip. In the hours following the attack, an additional Qassam landed at the Kisufim border crossing.


Tuesday morning, six Qassam rockets were fired from the northern Gaza Strip into the western Negev. In none of the cases were injuries or damages.


Ali Waked contributed to this report


פרסום ראשון: 12.26.07, 23:02
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