
Images of bombed site

Report: Syria rebuilds on site hit by Israel

New satellite photos show Syrian reconstruction effort at suspected nuclear site hit by Israel in September 2007, New York Times reports. Diplomatic source says International Atomic Energy Agency aware of new development

Syria has started to rebuild a suspected nuclear site bombed by Israeli jets in September 2007, the New York Times reported Friday.


According to the report, satellite photos are showing new construction that resembles the site’s main building, which was targeted in the Israeli air strike. Following the attack, the Syrians quickly cleared the suspected site, located roughly 90 miles north of Syria’s border with Iraq.


However, satellite images released Friday by a private American company, DigitalGlobe, showed a tall, square building being constructed that appears to be similar to the structure bombed in September, with the exception of the roof’s shape, the New York Times said. The photo was reportedly taken from space on Wednesday.


'Keeping an eye'

David Albright, president of the Institute for Science and International Security, told the Times that in light of the international uproar that followed the Israeli strike, “we can assume it’s not a reactor.” He also noted that the construction of the new building would make any future search for nuclear evidence more difficult, should international inspectors be allowed to examine the site at some point.


Meanwhile, a European diplomat said the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna recently became aware of the reconstruction efforts, the Times reported. “Obviously, they’re keeping an eye on the site,” the diplomat said.


Syria has strongly denied that the site targeted by Israel was a nuclear reactor and continues to claim that the structure hit in the attack was an empty military warehouse. Israeli officials have refused to comment on the nature of and motive for the air strike.


פרסום ראשון: 01.12.08, 15:50
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