
Photo: David Wilder
Cave of Patriarchs checkpoint (archives)
Photo: David Wilder

Palestinian teen planning stabbing attack nabbed in Hebron

Security forces stationed at Cave of Patriarchs checkpoint apprehend 15-year old Palestinian carrying 9-inch knife; boy admits to planning stabbing attack. 'We have to give troops credit for being ever vigilant,' says compound commander

Security forces were able to foil an attack on Border Guard officers stationed in the Cave of Patriarchs in the West Bank city of Hebron, Monday, after arresting a Palestinian teen carrying a 9-inch knife.


The compound's commander, Chief Superintendent Gidi Ovadia told Ynet that four stabbing attempts have been foiled in the area since the beginning of 2008.


Around 10 am, a 15-year old Palestinian teenager arrives at the Cave's checkpoint. He was detained by the troops manning the checkpoint after they discovered he was carrying a 9-inch knife. When questioned, the teen admitted to wanting to stab a soldier or policeman at the checkpoint.


"The boy came from Hebron's western Qasbah towards the Cave's compound, where we have troops securing the premises 24 hours a day," said Ovadia. "The metal detector started buzzing when the boy went though it, prompting the officers to ask him if he was carrying anything in his pockets.


"The boy then attempted to go through the metal detector, which kept buzzing. The officers apprehended him immediately and found the knife.


"In his initial investigation, the boy said he arrived at the checkpoint with the intention of stabbing soldier or a policeman… we have to give the officers on site full credit for being ever vigilant," added Ovadia.


The Cave of Patriarchs checkpoint has seen 33 stabbing attempts in 2007 and 46 of them in 2006.

The teenager was turned over to security forces for further investigation.  


פרסום ראשון: 02.04.08, 14:19
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