
Joseph's Tomb
Photo: Nahman Weiss
FM Livni
Photo: AP

Israel to demand PA preserve Jewish sites

Demand comes amid reports of severe neglect at Joseph's Tomb near Nablus, despite Palestinians' pledge to protect compound

Israel will demand the preservation of Jewish sites in the West Bank that have been neglected since being transferred to Palestinian control, Foreign Minster Tzipi Livni said Thursday.


The issue was brought to Livni's attention by Minister Ruhama Avraham-Balila (Kaima) following settler complaints regarding the dire condition of the Joseph's Tomb compound near Nablus, which was ransacked in the aftermath of the IDF's retreat from the site on October 7, 2000.


In her letter to Livni, Avraham-Balila said that the Jewish residents of Samaria "lament the neglect and destruction at the tomb of Joseph the righteous. At the onset of the October 2000 riots (second intifada), the PA declared that it was committed to preserving the site, but since Israel's 'Defensive shield' operation in 2002, the compound has been neglected and repeatedly desecrated."


A copy of Avraham-Balila's letter was relayed to Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, who in turn asked Defense Minister Ehud Barak to bring the matter up with Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad.


Livni, who is heading Israel's negotiations with the Palestinian Authority, said in her response letter to Avraham-Balila "I have instructed officials in the Foreign Ministry to act in cooperation with the Civil Administration in Nablus and with the coordinator of government activities in the territories and work with representatives on the Palestinian side to see to it that the site is restored to its previous condition."


In 1996, during the riots that erupted following the opening of the Western Wall Tunnel, Joseph's Tomb was attacked by Palestinians. Six IDF soldiers who were part of the force sent to protect the site were killed, prompting calls for an Israeli retreat.


Four years later the compound was attacked again by a Palestinian mob. A Border Guard officer who was critically wounded during the exchanges of fire eventually bled to death while Israel was trying to coordinate his rescue with Palestinian police.


The IDF pulled out of the site the following Saturday.


Jewish worshippers, accompanied by IDF soldiers, are allowed entry to the site on occasion.


פרסום ראשון: 02.15.08, 09:20
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