
Photo: Ronen Boidik
Barakeh – it was my idea
Photo: Ronen Boidik

Arabs protest ban on Habash memorial

Hundreds of people demonstrate in Nazareth after High Court upholds decision to ban memorial for Popular Front terrorist

Arab-Israeli leaders say they are infuriated after the High Court of Justice rejected a petition against the police's decision to annul a planned memorial service in Nazareth in honor of former Popular Front leader George Habash.


The High Court rejected the petition submitted by the Adalah group and accepted the position articulated by the State, which argued that the ceremony was organized by a terror group, namely the Popular Front.


As a result of the ruling, hundreds of Arabs held a protest rally in Nazareth Friday afternoon to show their displeasure with the court decision. Meanwhile, Arab leaders dismissed claims that the memorial ceremony was in fact planned by the Popular Front.


'It's a total lie'

"There is no Popular Front within the Green Line," said one protest organizer. "We will not bow our heads in the face of such lie. This is why we're holding the large protest in Nazareth."


Meanwhile, Knesset Member Mohammad Barakeh told Ynet that "the argument that the Popular Front is behind the ceremony is unfounded."


"It's a total lie," Barakeh said. "The initiative for the ceremony was mine. Every time the State waves classified information, those who seek the court's protection are kicked out."


Attorney Orna Cohen, who represents Adalah, said that the decision to ban the memorial ceremony was a "dangerous and draconian power that can be used to undermine fundamental rights."


פרסום ראשון: 02.29.08, 18:45
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