
Libya: Israel seeks to wipe out Palestinians
Photo: Reuters

Libya urges Arabs to stop Israeli attacks on Gaza

Libya calls on Arabs to halt Israel campaign aimed at 'wiping out' Palestinian people following IDF incursions into Gaza Strip

Libya on Saturday called on Arabs to halt what it called an Israeli military campaign aimed  at "wiping out the Palestinian people".



"What Israel is doing in Gaza confirms that the so-called  peace process in the Middle East is a ploy to cover up a continuing campaign to wipe out the Palestinian people," Libya's Foreign Ministry said in a statement.


"This bloody Israeli campaign had laid bare the reality of  the aims of the Zionists and their disdain of the so-called  peace initiatives," The statement, carried by the official news  agency Jana, added.


Israel says it is responding to cross-border rockets that killed an Israeli man in the border town of Sderot on Wednesday and wounded others in the southern city of Ashkelon.  


"Libya calls on Arabs to take an urgent position to stop the  Zionist machine of mass killing and muster political and  material support to rescue the sons of the Palestinian people  from this Zionist shoah," The Libyan ministry said.  "Libya also calls on the international community to shoulder  their responsibility to halt this mass killing."


The Israel deputy defense minister has warned Gazans they risked a "Shoah" If the rocket fire does not stop. The word  "Shoah" Is rarely used in Israel beyond discussions of the Nazi  Holocaust of the Jews but government spokesmen said Matan Vilnai  had employed the word only to mean "disaster".


פרסום ראשון: 03.01.08, 21:19
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