
Tel Aviv's Rothschild Boulevard
Photo: Avi Shauli

Palestinian artist's exhibition in Tel Aviv

Asim Abu Shaqra's painting to be offered for sale at Israeli gallery

A gallery on Tel Aviv's Rothschild Boulevard will host an exhibition of the paintings of late Palestinian artist Asim Abu Shaqra next week.


The artist's works, which focus on the battle for the liberation of Palestine, will be offered for sale at the gallery.


The exhibition was initiated by Israeli businessman Roni Forer, who invited Palestinian leaders to attend the opening, but does not expect them to arrive due to the escalation in the Gaza Strip.


"I decided to hold this exhibition during these difficult times due to my willingness to get both sides to start thinking about the tragedy taking place before our eyes," Forer said.


Forer's friends and customers from Europe and the Arab world were invited to visit the exhibition, as well as President Shimon Peres and Culture Minister Raleb Majadele.


פרסום ראשון: 03.03.08, 12:45
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