
Iranian nuke reactor
Photo: AP

Iran: New sanctions worthless

Tehran dismisses latest Security Council resolution, reiterates plan to continue nuke activity

Iran unimpressed with latest round of sanctions: The United Nations Security Council's decision to tighten sanctions against Iran is "worthless and unacceptable," Iran's Foreign Ministry said Tuesday in a first official response to the latest UN resolution.


"The continuation of this process will not affect the Iranian nation's and government's will to realize the legitimate and legal right to continue nuclear activity for peaceful purposes," Foreign Ministry Spokesman Muhammad Ali Husseini said, according to Iran's official news agency.


On Monday, the Security Council approved almost unanimously Resolution 5848, which imposes a third round of sanctions against Iran, in an effort to curb Tehran's nuclear efforts. Fourteen countries backed the resolution, while only one nation, Indonesia, abstained.


The Iranian spokesman added that "this decision contradicts the rules of the International Atomic Energy Agency and was taken on the basis of political and unilateral motives."


Husseini emphasized that "this unilateral decision constitutes yet another blow to the credibility of the IAEA and increases the Security Council's unreliability."


The latest round of sanctions expanded the list of Iranian figures and entities that now face financial and movement limitations in light of their involvement in nuclear development work, among other measures.


פרסום ראשון: 03.04.08, 17:06
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