
Ayalon predicts gloomy future
Photo: Dudi Vaaknin

Ayalon: Hamas likely to take over West Bank

In conversation with Tel Aviv University students, Minister Ami Ayalon says Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas in danger of losing out to extremist elements in absence of negotiations with Israel

"If we don't find the political way forward in the next year, it is likely that the Palestinian Authority will cease from existing," Minister Amy Ayalon told students at Tel Aviv University on Thursday.


Ayalon, a member of the national security cabinet, told the co-eds that "Abu Mazen (Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas) is likely to lose power and, as a result, radical elements such as al-Qaeda and Hamas may take control; just like what happened in the Gaza Strip."


According to Ayalon, "we must project a better picture of the situation in the West Bank so that the residents of the Gaza Strip will understand that political dialogue is the better alternative, not violence. In order for this to happen we must remove checkpoints and make trade and commerce easier for the Palestinian population in Judea and Samaria so that their lives are more comfortable."


In reference to the Hamas government in the Gaza Strip, the minister said "Hamas is more afraid of a political process than it is of the IDF. They have learned that we only respond to force. We must carry out military actions but they need to be pinpointed, (we should) not wipe away entire neighborhoods. And of course this must be in tandem with the political process."


Ayalon has voiced his support of indirect talks with Hamas in the past. He believes that if Israel is already conducting negotiations with the Islamist group through a third-party for the release of kidnapped IDF soldier Gilad Shalit, it should also be able to speak with them about a ceasefire.


Until a ceasefire is achieved, Ayalon explained, Israel must continue to operate militarily while simultaneously eyeing the political horizon to enable a proper end to IDF activities.


Ayalon has suggested the possibility of creating a multi-national force similar to UNIFIL in southern Lebanon. He believes that such a force could help hamper terrorists' efforts to strike at Israel and allow for stability in the Gaza Strip, which would mean security for Israel.


פרסום ראשון: 03.06.08, 18:31
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