
Security forces in Ramallah
Photo: AP

Palestinians: Israeli rescued from Ramallah mob

PA security forces report assisting Israeli citizen who entered West Bank city by mistake, transferring him to local police station. Report not confirmed by Israel

Palestinian security forces rescued Wednesday an Israeli man who accidentally entered the West Bank city of Ramallah, local sources said. The security officers were forced to fire gunshots in the air after a mob gathered around the man.


A Palestinian security official told Ynet that the Israeli apparently entered the city by mistake and arrived at the Manara square. He added that although a crowd gathered around the man, he was not threatened or attacked.


A Ramallah security officer reported that the man has not been injured and that he has been transferred to the local police station. According to the officer, the Israeli army has been notified of the incident.

Israeli sources did not confirm the report.


Several Israeli citizens had entered Palestinian territories by accident in recent months. None of the incidents resulted in injuries.


פרסום ראשון: 03.12.08, 17:40
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