
Photo: Daniel Bar-On, Jini

Barak: Lull will take time to materialize

Defense minister says confrontation between Israel, Palestinians in Gaza expected to last for a while longer, 'difficult moments' still ahead

The military operations in Gaza are expected to continue, and a lull in the area will take a while to transpire, Defense Minister Ehud Barak said Wednesday during a Labor Party meeting in Tel Aviv.


"There is an ongoing battle in Gaza… Some difficult moments still await us before we reach a lull," he stated.


"Hamas has lost about a 100 of its men, and this is not the end. It may be the end of the beginning," Barak added.


According to the defense minister, Israel should make an effort to strengthen Mahmoud Abbas' rule, and take into consideration the possibility that a government "less friendly" towards Israel might come to power in the Palestinian Authority.


Earlier Wednesday, Barak blamed Abbas for the stalemate in peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians.


"We are still a long way off from an agreement with Abbas despite the fact that Israel is making every effort to reach it," he said during a visit to the IDF Southern Command.


"If we do not reach an agreement, it will not be because of Israel's lack of willingness to compromise with him (Abbas) but because the Palestinian side is not willing to make the tough decisions for its people, and is currently incapable of establishing the institutions necessary to enforcing the rule of law and combat terror," Barak stated.


פרסום ראשון: 03.12.08, 20:14
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