
Netanyahu. Victim of a smear campaign?
Photo: Ofer Amram

Netanyahu: I acted for the State, not at its expense

In first public response to reports about his 'splurge visit' to London during Second Lebanon War, Likud chairman denies accusations, says his political adversaries are behind publications

"I paid for my expenses out of my own pocket," Likud Chairman Benjamin Netanyahu stated Sunday in response to recent reports that he and his wife spent NIS 131,000 ($37,800) while on a political PR trip in England during the Second Lebanon War in the summer of 2006.


"I want to make this clear - I acted for the country and not at the country's expense. And nevertheless, me and my wife have been subjected to incessant attacks," he said at a Likud faction conference in Ashkelon Sunday evening.


Netanyahu claimed that the reports were part of a systematic smear campaign launched and promoted by his political opponents.


"This will not deter me, this will not stop me or make me abandon the principles I've believed in my entire life. Our opponents' objective is clear: They want to prevent the Likud from replacing the current government, which the people have grown tired of," he exclaimed.


After making the statement, Netanyahu refused to take questions from the press.


According to a Channel 10 investigative report, Netanyahu and his wife, Sarah, spent huge sums of money on their hotel stay, restaurants, theater shows and shopping during their six-day visit to London.


Most of the expenses have been reportedly paid for by a Jewish organization chaired by a British-Jewish millionaire, in alleged violation of the ethical code that binds Knesset members.


פרסום ראשון: 03.16.08, 19:36
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