
Netanyahu. 'Leave the government now'
Photo: Tsafrir Abayov

Netanyahu urges Shas to 'save Jerusalem'

Opposition leader tours Ma'aleh Adumim, hears about construction slowdown in area. 'This policy will create an Arab suffocating grip around Jerusalem. I call on Shas to leave the government now'

Opposition leader Benjamin Netanyahu visited the settlement of Ma'aleh Adumim on Tuesday, heard about the construction slowdown in the area and called on Shas to quit the government.


"This policy will create an Arab suffocating grip around Jerusalem, and the foreign minister has clearly said that negotiations for the division of Jerusalem are being held. I say to Shas: If you want to save Jerusalem, leave the government now," he said.


According to Netanyahu, "The Israeli government is sowing down and almost totally freezing the construction in Ma'aleh Adumim, while allowing Arabs to build in the area."


The Likud chairman visited the controversial E-1 area, where construction has been frozen for years now. Building in the area would create a territorial continuity from Jerusalem to Ma'aleh Adumim.


Ma'aleh Adumim Mayor Benny Kashriel complained that it was prohibited to build in the area despite the high demand. According to Kashriel, the construction of permitted 400 housing units in the eastern part of the city will be completed soon, and after that the construction works will be halted.


Likud MKs to discuss construction issue

Netanyahu continued to a council meeting attended by members of the forum of Jerusalem vicinity area council heads. The council heads are expected to take part in next week's Likud faction meeting in order to discuss the construction issue.


About two weeks ago, Housing and Construction Minister Ze'ev Boim instructed his office to continue construction in the Agan Haeilot neighborhood in Givat Ze'ev, beyond the Green Line.


Sources at the minister's office clarified that the construction would take place in the "Jerusalem vicinity", and that the decision was made following a series of consultations with the prime minister.


Construction in the neighborhood was halted by contractors following the eruption of the second intifada. The contractors recently began resuming the works following the relative calm and the increasing demand for apartments in Jerusalem and its vicinity. In total, 800 new housing units will be built – more than the original plan.


"Resuming the construction in Agan Haeilot is important news," said Boim. "The addition of hundreds of housing units is part of a policy aimed at meeting the high demands and the need to balance and maintain a reasonable price level, while meeting Jerusalem's demographic needs.


"I plan to continue implementing this policy in order to strengthen Jerusalem and its surroundings," he added.


Boim also announced plans to build 750 new homes in a Jewish neighborhood of disputed east Jerusalem. He said the construction in Pisgat Zeev would be in addition to the planned expansion of Givat Zeev.


"There are 750 housing units about to issued for bids (from contractors) for Pisgat Zeev," Boim said in a radio interview.


AP contributed to this report


פרסום ראשון: 03.25.08, 12:12
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