
Photo: Reuters
IDF force in Jenin (Archive)
Photo: Reuters

IDF kills 2 gunmen near Jenin

Palestinian sources report IDF force operating in West Bank town of Qabatiya kill two wanted Islamic Jihad operatives. Army reports soldiers open fire at suspicious vehicle, uncover arms inside car

An IDF force operating in the town of Qabatiya near Jenin killed two al-Quds Brigades operatives Thursday morning, according to Palestinian sources.


IDF force reportedly entered the town early Thursday and proceeded to circle the house in which the two gunmen – believed to be Islamic Jihad's military wing operatives – were hiding. A gunfight soon erupted, resulting in the two's death. They were later identified as Izz al-Din al-Sahu and Bilal al-Tarijal.


According to the Palestinians, an IDF bulldozer demolished large parts of the house during the raid. It is unclear at this time whether the gunmen were killed by shots fired or by the collapsed of the structure.


The IDF confirmed the Qabatiya operation, saying that during a paratroopers' patrol of the area, the force surrounded a gunmen's hideout. The force then identified a suspect vehicle and opened fire on it. The car, said the IDF, contained firearms and explosives. No casualties were reported among the IDF troops.


IDF forces operating in the West Bank during Wednesday night apprehended 26 Palestinian wanted for questioning. The men were turned over to security forces for further interrogation.


An overnight military operation on Tuesday had IDF forces surrounded 10 houses in various Ramallah and Bitunia. According to Palestinian the forces were operating neat the home of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, as well as surrounding the house of Hamas lawmaker Dr. Miriam Salah, who is currently held in Israel. The IDF said Tuesday's West Bank op was a routine arrest operation.


Efrat Weiss contributed to the report 


פרסום ראשון: 04.17.08, 08:35
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