
Shattered gravestones
Photo: Ze'ev Trachtman

5 rockets fired on western Negev

Palestinians fire five rockets on Negev area: One lands atop a minimarket roof, another shatters cemetery gravestones; eight people suffer shock

A Qassam rocket fired from northern Gaza Sunday afternoon landed on the roof of a Sderot minimarket, but fortunately did not fall through the ceiling. Five people suffered shock.


Earlier Sunday three rockets were fired at the city, the first landing in the city's industrial area, the second in its cemetery, where it shattered eight gravestones; and the third hitting a house.


No injuries were reported in either incident. Hevra Kadisha, the company responsible for burial services throughout Israel, sent representatives to asses the damage.

Anxiety at the minimarket (Photo: Ze'ev Trachtman)


The Eshkol Regional Council was hit next, as around 2 pm, a rocket landed near one of its kibbutzim. No injuries or damage were reported.


Five Qassam rockets and one mortar shell were fired on the western Negev since the morning hours – the latter landing near the Nahal Oz fuel terminal.


The rocket fire began shortly after Palestinian sources in Gaza reported Israeli troops killed a 41-year-old Palestinian civilian outside his home near the town of Khan Younis.


The IDF confirmed the operation, saying that Givati and Armored Corps forces operating in the area fired at a local gunman, later identifying a hit.


Ze'ev Trachtman contributed to this report


פרסום ראשון: 05.04.08, 15:40
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