
French tourists arrive at Ben-Gurion Airport (Archive)
Photo: Dalit Shacham

New campaign targets French tourists

Tourism Ministry launches promotional campaign in France aimed at attracting more tourists to Israel

A new campaign launched by the Tourism Ministry and aimed at increasing the number of French tourists to Israel will start screening in cinemas across France soon.


The NIS 3 million ($870,000) campaign attempts to address the relatively slow growth (4%) in French tourism to Israel since the beginning of the year, compared to the dramatic increase in tourism from other European countries in 2008 (92% increase in tourism from Spain; 66% in tourism from Italy, 62% in tourism from Germany).


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France tops the list of European countries in terms of the number of tourists that visit Israel.


The new campaign targets the general audience in France, whereas promotional activity for the Jewish audience is carried out throughout the year. However, the Tourism Ministry aspires to increase the volume of Jewish French tourists to the country as well. Some 55% of the Jewish community in France visit Israel each year.


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According to Tourism Ministry Director-General Shaul Tzemah, "The Tourism Ministry considers the promotional activity in France, where the potential for growth in tourism to Israel is high, to be very important.


"The emphasis will be put on presenting Israel as a desired destination, which offers the French tourist a rich, cultural and fascinating experience. Our goal is to see half-a-million French tourists arrive in the country until 2012."


פרסום ראשון: 05.05.08, 09:24
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