
Photo: Reuters
Photo: Reuters

Report: Egypt's Suleiman in Israel next week

Palestinian media report Cairo intelligence chief to arrive on Monday for talks on proposed truce with terror groups amidst Palestinian concerns new investigation against Olmert will hamper efforts

Egyptian Intelligence Chief, General Omar Suleiman, is expected to arrive in Israel on Monday for talks on Cairo's proposed truce between Israel with the Palestinian factions, Palestinian daily al-Yaum reported on Wednesday.


According to the report Israel has conditioned the truce on a complete cessation of attacks by Palestinian groups against Israeli targets from Gaza, including the rocket barrages on southern Israel.


Israel further demands Egypt put an end to the smuggling to arms across its border into Gaza so as to assure Hamas will not rebuild its arsenal, and that the Palestinian factions themselves commit to refrain from manufacturing arms in the Strip.


The paper reported that Israel refuses to link the proposed truce to the situation in the West Bank. Unnamed officials are quoted as saying internal Israeli politics, particularly the ongoing police investigation against Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, may impede Suleiman's efforts.


On Sunday Ynet reported State officials in Jerusalem had confirmed Suleiman's visit had been postponed till after Independence Day. The triumvirate of Olmert, Defense Minister Ehud Barak and Foreign Affairs Minister Tzipi Livni were united in their lack of enthusiasm towards the original timing.


The three have demanded the Egyptian dignitary bring with him clear-cut assurances regarding the release of Shalit and plans to take action against the smuggling, as well as a pledge by Palestinian factions to end rocket attacks against Israel's south and the cessation of all terror attacks against troops and civilians in the Gaza –vicinity area.


פרסום ראשון: 05.07.08, 09:49
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