
Photo: GPO
Pelosi with Olmert
Photo: GPO

Pelosi: All options open to stop Iran's nuclear program

Prime minister, Knesset members meet US speaker of the House, bipartisan congressional delegation; convey Israel's gratitude for lasting US support

Prime Minister Ehud Olmert met Monday with US House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi. Pelosi, who is heading a bipartisan delegation of 13 Congress members, is currently in Israel in honor of its 60th Independence Day celebrations.


Congress, he told the delegation, is the American public's true mirror, representing every conceivable opinion and Israel is delighted that the House is in complete agreement as to the American aid given to it.

The Knesset held a special session Monday, honoring the US delegation.


Opposition leader Benjamin Netanyahu (Likud), who spoke at the session, commended the US for its reluctant fight against the Iranian threat. Israel and the US are united in this fight, he said, adding every measure must be taken in order to stop Iran's nuclear efforts.  

Nancy Pelosi (left) with Knesset Speaker Dalia Itzik (Photo: Reuters)


Prior to the Knesset session, Speaker Pelosi met with Knesset Speaker Dalia Itzik and presented her with the Congressional resolution – signed on the eve of Israel's 60th Independence Day – reaffirming the US' support of Israel's right to defend itself.


Speaking of the Iranian threat Pelosi said that while no option should be written off, every diplomatic and financial recourse should be exhausted before deciding on military action.


Zvi Lavi contributed to this report


פרסום ראשון: 05.19.08, 19:39
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