
Cannes Lions Festival

Advertising ‘Oscar’ goes to Israeli advertising agency

Interactive campaign to raise awareness for kidnapped IDF soldiers sweeps Golden Cannes Lions award as well as other worldwide prizes

Another Oscar goes to Israel: A subsidiary company of the Shalmor-Avnon-Amichay advertising agency won the Golden Lion Award at the Cannes Lions international advertising festival Monday.


The Golden Lion prize, considered the ‘Oscar’ of the advertising industry, was awarded to the interactive company for its internet campaign aiming to raise awareness for kidnapped IDF soldiers Gilad Shalit, Eldad Regev and Ehud Goldwasser.


As part of the campaign, many websites welcomed the agency’s request and “pulled the plug” on their website for one whole day, and instead, uploaded one single web page detailing the captives' stories.


The Golden Cannes Lions Award for ground-breaking advertising concepts is the most prestigious prize in the field of advertising. This is the first time an Israeli interactive company wins such an award.


Some 28,000 projects from 85 countries around the world were submitted to the competition. This is not the first award this Israeli campaign recieves; a month ago, the campaign won a gold medal in the 2008 Clio advertising festival in the US as well as the Israeli Cactus Award.


פרסום ראשון: 06.17.08, 19:45
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