
IDF troops on northern border (Archive)
Photo: AFP

The great escape to Lebanon

Former soldier in South Lebanon Army residing in Israel scales border fence, returns home

Maybe he missed the good hummus: A Lebanese man, who in the past belonged to the South Lebanon Army and moved to Israel after the IDF's withdrawal, scaled the border fence Tuesday and escaped back to Lebanon.


After looking into the matter along with the Israel Police, the army said that the man asked to return to Lebanon in the past but his request was denied. As a result, he apparently decided to go back without authorization.


Tuesday morning, IDF forces identified movement near the border fence in the Upper Galilee region. Large forces were rushed to the scene, and at the same time police received a report about the incident.


The army said the man was identified crossing the border into Lebanon on his own. "He decided to go back without the permission of authorities and scaled the fence," the IDF said.


Military officials told Ynet that troops discounted the possibility of an infiltration attempt into Israel after scouring the area. The IDF decided not to chase the man into Lebanon, and it is unclear whether he was detained by UNIFIL or Lebanese forces.


Tuesday's incident is considered highly unusual and is being looked into by both the IDF and the police.


פרסום ראשון: 06.24.08, 19:40
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