
Imad Mugniyah
Photo: Reuters
Nasrallah. Won't forget
Photo: AFP

'Only a matter of time before we avenge Mugniyah's death'

Day after cabinet approves prisoner swap deal with Hizbullah, Lebanese journalist affiliated with organization says promise to retaliate assassination of top commander has not been forgotten

It is only a matter of time before Hizbullah avenges the assassination of its top commander Imad Mugniyah, a Lebanese commentator affiliated with the organization warned Monday in his editorial in the al-Akhbar newspaper.


In an article published several hours after the Israeli government approved the prisoner exchange deal with Hizbullah, the commentaro, Ibrahim al-Amin, wrote that his organization was waiting for a good opportunity to carry out its response to the assassination.


"The resistance's decision to punish those who planned, decided on and implemented the assassination operation against the resistance's military commander, the shahid Imad Mugniyah, has yet to be fully implemented," he said.


According to al-Amin, nothing will interfere with Hizbullah's plan to retaliate the painful blow.


"We may see many things happening in response and as part of the punishment, but there is one big event that has to happen, without anyone in Lebanon or Israel waiting for an announcement on the matter (on the part of Hizbullah).


"This punishment will be similar in its extent to the crime, and any delay will be caused due to technical, and perhaps political, reasons. But this does not mean that all this will interfere with the decision to carry it out," he added.


Hizbullah has already marked its next goal in the ongoing conflict with Israel, on the backdrop of the "Israeli infiltrations" into Lebanon's sovereign territory in the sea, in the air and on the land, and particularly the Air Force sorties in Lebanon's sky.


Al-Amin claimed that Hizbullah plans to make it clear to Israel that it cannot continue with these actions.


"Israel's ongoing and intensive violations of the Lebanese sovereignty on the land, in the sea and in the air have not ceased, and a period of two years appears to be enough got UNIFIL forces (to stop this). But they have failed in halting and limiting this, and international representatives have even presented Israel's excuses that it needs these sorties in order to meet its security needs in southern Lebanon.


"Therefore, the resistance must start informing Israel that these ongoing violations will carry a heavy price, and cause the international community to deal with this matter in a different manner. It's only a matter of time," he explained.


פרסום ראשון: 06.30.08, 14:38
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