
Minister Tamir – pledged to avoid tuition increase

Tuition going up; students gird for battle

Ynet learns tuition at state-funded universities, colleges to rise by as much as $250; students prepare to fight back

Tuition for the next academic year is set to rise by NIS 168 (roughly $50) due to the crisis in the higher education system and budget cuts imposed on state-funded universities and colleges, Ynet has learned.


Some of the students have already been asked to pay the additional amount for the academic year that is currently drawing to a close.


However, despite the relatively modest raise planned at this time, tuition may in fact go up by another NIS 900 (roughly $250) because of a dispute regarding tuition recommendations by a committee tasked with looking into the matter.


This constitutes a change in policy from previous years, during which the institutions covered the budget cuts so that the students would not have to pay extra tuition.


The rising cost of education contradicts Education Minister Yuli Tamir's pledge to student leaders that tuition payments would not be increased.


However, the students plan to fight back. National Student Union Chairman Boaz Toporovsky said: "We will not allow the tuition to go up...the extra fee demanded from the students is illegal in my opinion, and they will be reimbursed. Any change in tuition is supposed to take place following a discussion."


He added that if the extra NIS 900 were charged, the student union would not allow the academic year to open. 

Students on Tel Aviv campus. (Photo: Ofer Amram)


In response, the Higher Education Council's Planning and Budget Committee said that "the update was introduced according to the committee's rules for the determination of tuition for public institutions of higher learning."


Minister Tamir responded to the increase by saying: "The fact that the Finance Ministry would like to cut the budget of the higher education system cannot affect the students." She called on the universities "not to raise tuition until a resolution is achieved that includes the higher education system."


פרסום ראשון: 07.01.08, 21:56
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