
Desecrated graves (Archives)
Photo: Reuters

Man arrested after spraying graffiti on Berlin's Holocaust memorial

German authorities arrest man for desecrating capital's Holocaust memorial with racial slurs. Memorial reportedly vandalized several times in past few years

Berlin police said Wednesday that they have arrested a man for spray-painting anti-Semitic graffiti on Berlin's Holocaust memorial.


A police statement said that a security guard caught the intoxicated 28-year-old from eastern Germany on Tuesday evening as he was spray-painting four of the slabs that make up the vast memorial. The guard alerted police.


Wednesday's statement said that the man had sprayed "words and figures, some of them with anti-Semitic significance" on the slabs. It did not elaborate.


The memorial to the Holocaust's six million Jewish victims is a field of more than 2,700 gray slabs situated close to Berlin's Brandenburg Gate. It opened to the public in 2005 and is freely accessible around the clock.


Vandalism has been reported there several times.


פרסום ראשון: 07.09.08, 15:39
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