
Jonathan Pollard
Photo: AP

Pollard says did not get money from State

Israeli spy imprisoned in US demands Israel admit it had not given him, his wife any monetary assistance since his arrest over two decades ago, despite announcing contrary

Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard, who is completing his 23rd year of a life sentence in the United States, filed a lawsuit Monday with the Tel Aviv District Court seeking declaratory relief.


Pollard‘s lawsuit was aimed at setting the record that he and his wife Esther never received any money from the State of Israel, from the day of his arrest to the present.


In his lawsuit, Pollard states that neither he nor his wife are interested in receiving money from the State, and that his sole purpose is to put an end to the lies Israel disseminates, lies which he says have been severely undermining the public struggle for his release.


The lawsuit maintains that Pollard and his wife, Esther, have been abandoned by the State. It points out that they live in grave distress, both financially and in general. All of their expenses are funded by what little money Pollard's wife has, and with the support of a few close friends.


The lawsuit reveals, for the first time, a letter from then-Prime Minister and Defense Minister Ehud Barak to Knesset Member Rehavam Zeevi, which states unequivocally that the State of Israel does not give any money to Pollard and does not have a bank account for him.


According to Pollard's lawyer, Attorney Nitsana Darshan-Leitner, "The State is throwing sand in the public's eyes and is shamelessly lying to the court when it claims it financially supports Pollard and his wife.


"The State cannot go on deceiving the public by making it believe that it does anything for Pollard. Not only did the State abandon Pollard for 23 years, it also has the audacity to lie about it. If the State ever

gave one shekel to Pollard or his wife – let it prove it. We know the truth, and it will come to light in the courtroom."


According to Esther Pollard, "This week, it is Jonathan’s 54th birthday. Had the State of Israel made the slightest effort, Jonathan would be here, celebrating his birthday at home in Jerusalem. Instead, he is ‘celebrating’ by being forced to sue the State of Israel to try to stop the campaign of lies it is waging against him.”


פרסום ראשון: 08.04.08, 10:45
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