
Shalit. 771 days in captivity
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PRC: Israel doesn't know where Shalit is

Spokesman for Palestinian terror group, involved in kidnapping of soldier, says IDF chief of staff's claims 'unfounded', adds 'Israeli army too weak to obtain information on Gilad Shalit'

The Popular Resistance Committees (PRC) belittled the claims of IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Gabi Ashkenazi, according to which the army knows "Gilad Shalit is alive, where he is being held, and by whom." PRC spokesman Abu Mujahed told the Palestinian Maan news agency that "the Israeli army is too weak to obtain information on Shalit." The group was involved in Shalit's kidnapping 


Abu Mujahed added that Israel attempted to obtain information on the kidnapped soldier but failed. "The resistance has proved its ability to manage the affair during the past two years, and to gain a victory over Israel."


The spokesman said that the chief of staff knows "Shalit will not see the light of day until after the prisoner exchange deal – when our prisoners are to be released.


"Ashkenazi is attempting to give the soldiers a push forward by making unfounded claims due to the fact that they know nothing about Shalit's whereabouts or the people holding him."


Two hours after Ashkenazi's made the statement, the IDF Spokesperson's Unit released a clarification, saying that |what the chief of staff meant to say was that we know Gilad Shalit is being held by Hamas in the Gaza Strip. His remark offers no new information."


The new recruit who prompted Ashkenazi's claim told the IDF chief during a Q&A session that "after we complete our recruit service and advanced training, we will be on the front line. But in the meantime, Gilad Shalit is in captivity and this is a very disturbing issue."


"That's a very good question," Ashkenazi replied. "There is no doubt that we have to bring him back, exert every effort in regards to this issue." He also told the troops present before him that Israeli soldiers "must always remember that if anything happens to them, we will make sure they are returned to their families."


פרסום ראשון: 08.04.08, 19:16
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