
Photo: Reuters
Gay marriage, gay divorce
Photo: Reuters

NY: Gay father kidnaps son, takes him to Israel

Jewish father calls ex-husband, threatens, ‘You will never see him again’. State Department asks Israel Police to help locate kidnapper, baby

NEW YORK - The New York police have defined this affair as “the first ever kidnapping of a child of a same-sex couple.” A good Jewish boy from Boston is suspicted of kidnapping his son and taking him to Israel.


E. arrived in New York a few years ago as part of his job in a high-tech company. He met 29-year old J., who is also Jewish, and four years ago the two were joined in marriage.


They flew to Massachusetts, a state which permits homosexual marriage, and conducted a very exclusive wedding ceremony in the presence of their family and friends.


It seemed that the two had created a completely normal familial lifestyle. To complete the picture, the couple decided to adopt a child. One of the couple’s female friends, who bore witness to their yearning for a child, agreed to be the surrogate mother and gave birth to their child two years ago.


Throughout the past year, bitter arguments had ensued between the couple and they decided to separate.


"E. became extremely jealous of the time I was spending with our baby," J. told the Daily News.


In September, the two split, officially. The court who heard this case decided to give custody of the child to J. and determined that E. can see him on weekends.


Last weekend, E. arrived to pick his son up for their regular weekend visit. He asked J. if he could keep their child with him two extra days, claiming that he wanted the baby to meet with his grandparents who live in Boston.


J. agreed, not knowing what E.’s true intentions were. E. was supposed to return the boy to J. on Tuesday morning, but when the afternoon rolled around and the baby and E. did not answer his cellular phone, J. began to worry.


A few hours later, E. called J. and told him that he fled with the baby to Israel and ended the conversation saying, “You will never see him again.”


A New York police investigation revealed that E. and his baby flew from New York to Israel last Monday. E., who is still residing in Israel, has already stated that he does not intend on returning to the United States.


With his attorney’s assistance, J. turned to State Department representatives in Washington who deal with kidnapping cases outside of US borders.


The US representatives have turned to the Israeli police and asked them to deal with this case.


It is currently unknown where E. and his son are residing in Israel. In the meantime, J. is sitting in his New York residence with a picture of the baby in utter shock.


"I thought E. was the right person for me," said J., "but I was wrong. I told people he was capable of doing anything, but no one listened to me."


פרסום ראשון: 08.10.08, 15:33
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