
Photo: Yaron Brener
Right man, right time. Boim
Photo: Yaron Brener

Minister Boim endorses Mofaz for Kadima chairman

Housing, construction minister announced support for transportation minister's bid for party leadership after 'realizing he possesses right qualities'

Housing and Construction Minister Ze'ev Boim announced Monday he would be endorsing Transportation Minister Shaul Mofaz in his bid for Kadima chairmanship.


"In order to make an informed decision, I had to weigh the qualities I believe a prime minister should possess: Political, defense and diplomatic experience, a certain composure, an ability to make complex decision, humility, modesty and honesty and I have come to the conclusion that Mofaz possess all of these," he told reported in a press conference.


All the candidates bidding for the party's leadership, he stressed, were worthy ones: "I could have just as easily have chosen to endorse (Foreign Minister Tzipi) Livni. The decision to endorse Mofaz was made by a split hair decision."


Kadima, he added, faces for than one test in the coming primaries: "We have to choose the person best suited to be prime minister, as well as pull the party back together. I call on all Kadima members to make a choice and rally by the who ever wins the primaries.


"We, as the governing party still have to take care of national missions, we have to lead this country."

Boim, who has been long affiliated with Prime Minister Ehud Olmert's supporters, voiced his hopes that Olmert would be able to clear his name: "Now that he has decided not to run, he can concentrate on proving his innocence.


"I would like to thank him for all his years of service to the State of Israel and to its people. We will probably miss him… even his adversaries say he is one of Israel's best prime ministers."


פרסום ראשון: 08.11.08, 11:16
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