
Photo: Alex Kolomoisky
Priell and Barak
Photo: Alex Kolomoisky

Defense minister's wife to close business amid rumored improprieties

Nili Priell-Barak shuts down company following reports of inappropriate ties to campaign contributors. 'Company meets all required business practices,' she says

Ehud Barak's office announced Wednesday that the defense minister's wife, Nili Priell-Barak, will be closing her consulting company Taurus, amid rumors of business improprieties.


According to a recent report in Yedioth Ahronoth, Priell's company has standing business relations with two of Barak's campaign contributors. The newspaper published copies of correspondence, in which Priell suggest putting her clients in touch with several key figures among Israel's decision makers.


Taurus Israel Financial Ventures (2008) Ltd. is listed as a consulting firm "which offers various services to funds, families and individuals looking for investment opportunities in Israel."


Priell, notes the company's description, "is personally acquainted with many of Israel's prominent businessmen."


"The company's operations were a direct continuance to my business activates over the past years and have been up to all required business practices and standards," said Priell-Barak in a statement.


"Over the past few days, however, I have come to the conclusion that it's not enough; and since it has been made clear that appearances may prove detrimental to my partner, Ehud Barak, I have decided to close the company and will notify the proper authorities of my decision within the next few days."


The Defense Ministry declined making an official comment, but sources close to the defense minister said that "Nili saw how her business was being used to constantly ram him.


"It makes for an impossible situation, when your spouse is running for elections and you're being used against him… so she decided to put a stop to it."


פרסום ראשון: 08.20.08, 11:38
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