
Professional. Dichter
Photo: Gil Yohanan

Dichter backs police conduct in Olmert case

Internal security minister calls press conference, rebuffs accusations that police proceedings during prime minister's investigation were tainted. Department's actions, decision on indictment utterly professional, he says

Internal Security Minister Avi Dichter on Monday backed the police decision to publish its indictment recommendation in the case against Prime Minister Ehud Olmert.


Sunday evening saw the police announce that the 18-month investigation into alleged corruption by the prime minister has concluded, and that it will recommend the State Prosecutor's Office file fraud and bribery charges against him, over the 'Rishontours' and Morris Talansky affairs.


The Police have been subject to harsh criticism following the statement, as Justice Minister Daniel Friedmann accused the department of being responsible for impeaching an acting prime minister, and retired justice Eliyahu Winograd admonished the department for grossly exceeding its authority.


"The Israeli Police Department did its job and did it well, a fact I'm sure Minister Friedmann is well aware of," said Dichter. As for Judge Winograd's comments, the internal security minister said that "(Winograd) doesn't have all the facts. If he did he would express himself differently."


'Inconceivable behavior'

"I was shocked to hear a fellow minister, the justice minister no less, who is supposed to be my partner in protecting this country's law enforcement establishments, lash out at the police and accuse the department of impeaching the prime minister," said Dichter in a press conference held in Tel Aviv.


"Friedmann's behavior is inconceivable an unacceptable, especially by an acting minister and especially when this minister is one of the two entrusted with major law enforcement systems. His words are offensive and detrimental to the police's position in the public eye.


"The police have proven their dedication, professionalism and integrity in this case and they will continue to do so." continued Dichter. "It takes more than a reckless remark to harm this department, the moral of our police officers or their work. The case was handled without prejudice."


As for the allegations made by Olmert's aides, suggesting the police proceedings were tainted, Dichter said he regretted to learn of the sentiment: "This is not a happy day for the police department or anyone of us, for that matter. The case has now been turned over to the State Prosecutor's Office.


"The Israeli Police Department is an executive branch which carries out its missions, whether they initiate them or are tasked with them by the Attorney General's Office," he concluded. "Once the police were called in, they carried out their mission with determination, dedication and respect for all involved."


פרסום ראשון: 09.08.08, 14:43
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