
Livni associates say she wants Mofaz in government
Photo: Gil Yohanan

For first time since primaries: Livni, Mofaz talk

Kadima Chairman Tzipi Livni speaks with Transportation Minister Mofaz for first time since primaries; Livni's associates tell Ynet she's waiting for Mofaz to return to government and assume senior post

Kadima Chairman Tzipi Livni spoke Saturday with Transportation Minister Shaul Mofaz for the first time since the primaries, Ynet has learned. Thus far, Mofaz avoided Livni, but it appears that he has now agreed to talk to her ahead of his possible return to the political arena.


Livni associates told Ynet that the foreign minister is waiting for Mofaz to return to the government, and added that her offer to appoint him to a senior ministerial post is still standing. One associate told Ynet: "We view Mofaz as an important partner in Kadima's leadership and in the next government, and we very much hope that he will take the decision to return to a senior post."


Following his narrow primaries loss to Livni, Mofaz stunned the political establishment by announcing that he was taking a "timeout" from politics. Initially it was believed that Mofaz was retiring from politics, but in recent days it increasingly appeared that he was contemplating a quick return.


Kadima officials do not know what Mofaz's plans are at this time. The transportation minister's associates told Ynet last week that for the time being his next moves in the wake of his vacation are unclear.


"Great pressures are being exerted at him, both from activists on the ground as well as from Kadima's leadership, to return to political activity, yet for the time being nothing is clear," one Mofaz associate said.


Amnon Meranda contributed to the story


פרסום ראשון: 09.27.08, 21:15
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