
Photo: Ronny Schitzer
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Photo: Ronny Schitzer

Arab-Israelis stone police in Wadi Ara

Some 400 Arabs try hold race on highway that was empty due to Yom Kippur; four officers injured from stones hurled by youngsters, who eventually clear road following intervention of local leaders

Some 400 Arab-Israeli youngsters on Wednesday hurled stones at police officers who were trying to prevent them from racing their cars along Route 65 in Wadi Ara, which was empty due to Yom Kippur. Four officers were lightly injured in the incident, and one Arab was arrested.


Police officers patrolling the area arrived at the scene after noticing that the Arab youngsters were trying to block the highway.


The youngsters then hurled stones at the officers, who responded with restraint and asked the youngsters to clear the road. One of the Arab drivers refused and was subsequently arrested.


The commander of the Iron police station turned to prominent Arab leaders from surrounding villages, who asked the Arab youngsters not to hold the race and calmed the situation down.


The youngsters left the area after about an hour, according to a police official.


פרסום ראשון: 10.09.08, 21:17
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