
Keeping busy in the sukkah (Illustration)
Photo: Shai Rosenzweig

The Sukkot festivities handbook

Ynet offers a quick guide to some of the activites guaranteed to keep you busy during Sukkot holiday

With more and more festivals gracing the stage every Sukkot, one can find it hard to choose. Ynet presents an abbreviated guide to the perplexed celebrant:


Desert music

What: The Guitar Lovers Festival


When: October 15-17


Where: The southern Youth Spring Ranch in the Negev.


The second annual Guitar Lovers Festival, in association with Ynet, is a celebration of Jewish music, performed on a special stage built inside a Sukkah. The venue includes performances by Shuli Rand, The Stairs and Avraham Abutbul; and features workshops, shows, special artists' classes, a children's area and food stands.


For more details, click here


Jewish identity meets Israeli culture

What: Hakahal Festival


When: October 15, 1 pm to 1 am


Where: Ramat Efal


The Efal Seminar's 12th annual Jewish identity and Israeli culture happening will includes workshops, plays, singing, music, cinema and various panels. Shuli Rand takes center stage at 9 pm; as Asaf Amdurski, Avraham Burg, Knesset Member MK Ophir Pines-Paz (Labor-Meimad) and many more will take part the various activities.


For more details, click here


Sightseeing meets music

What: Beit Shemesh Festival


When: October 15-17


Where: Beit Shemesh, west of Jerusalem


The 10th annual Beit Shemesh Festival offers three days of sightseeing, touring and evening performances featuring rock and Jewish soul music. The shows will take place at the Beit Shemesh amphitheater.


For more details, click here


Stop and smell the (musical) roses

What: The 1,000 Flowers Festival


When: October 15-16, 7 pm to 11 pm


Where: Netanya


A Jewish music festival featuring 11 children's choirs, as well as singer Yohoram Gaon and cantor Israel Rand others. One of the highlights of the festival is expected to be the "Cantor Search"; a competition for children ages 12 and under, aimed at finding the next great cantor. The festival will also feature a food and Judaica fairs and traditional Jewish klezmer players.


For more details, click here 

Watch the sunrise. The Herodium (Archives)


Standing at the gate

What: The Gateways Festival


When: October 16, 19


Where: Jerusalem


A festival dedicated to Jewish culture, orchestrated by 40 leading educational organizations in the capital. Events to feature free lectures, classes, art exhibits and sightseeing tours.


For more details, click here


Tenting in Tel Aviv

What: Sukkah in the Square


When: October 15-18


Where: Tel Aviv's Rabin Square


A public sukkah open to all and featuring creative workshops for children, unique musical performances, movies screenings, dancing events and panels hosted by Gil Kopatch, Jackie Levy and musician Aril Horowitz.


Step it up

What: Pilgrim Festival


When: October 14-17


Where: Jerusalem's Nachlaot neighborhood


The festival offers a variety of family activities, children's craft corner and performances held in a communal Sukkah. Special guests include Jackie Levy, End of Days and Yehuda Gallantz.


Halleluiah in Hebron

What: Sukkot in Hebron


When: October 15-16


Where: West Bank city of Hebron


The festival offers a variety of family oriented activities during the mid-holiday period and will feature performances by Haim Israel, Udi Dudi, Medad Tesa, Aharon Raziel, Shlomo Katz and many more. All events to be feature separate men and women's galleries.


For more details call 1-800-400-456 or click here


Theatrics at the Herodium

What: The Gush Etzion Festival


When: October 14-20


Where: The Gush Etzion Regional Council


The seventh annual Jewish music and theater festival will feature are lecture and sightseeing tours, as well as performances by Shuli Rand, cantor Tzudik Greenwald and the Raanana Symphonette. Hoshana Raba activities to feature an all-night prayer session (Tikun) in council's Tekoa settlementm which will include performances by Shlomo Gronich and Jonathan Razel, ending in a morning prayer in Herodium.


For more details click here 


פרסום ראשון: 10.13.08, 14:47
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