
Hamas gunmen in Gaza
Photo: Reuters

Egypt invites Hamas, Fatah to attend power-sharing talks

Rival Palestinian factions to negotiate in Cairo beginning Nov. 9; Abbas says his representative will participate

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said Egypt has issued invitations to rival Palestinian factions to attend power-sharing talks in Cairo.


An Abbas aide said Sunday the talks are to start Nov. 9.


The invitations were sent to Abbas' Fatah movement, the Islamic militant Hamas and smaller groups.


Abbas has shunned Hamas since the group seized Gaza in June 2007, but he suggested Sunday his representatives would attend the negotiations. Hamas confirmed it received the invitation.


Hamas and Fatah are to talk about forming a joint government, rebuilding the security forces and setting a date for presidential and legislative elections.


Several rounds of power-sharing talks have failed since Hamas won parliament elections in 2006.


פרסום ראשון: 10.20.08, 00:21
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