
En Guard. Netanyahu
Photo: Dudi Vaaknin

Man arrested on suspicion of harassing Netanyahu

Police detain 46-year-old Holon resident for threatening to 'finish off' opposition leader, violating subsequent restraining order

The Ayalon Subdistrict Police arrested a 46-year-old resident of Holon on Sunday night, for violating a restraining order forbidding him from coming near Opposition Chairman Benjamin Netanyahu.


The ordeal began Thursday night, when the man called Netanyahu's office in the Likud's main bureau in Tel Aviv and requested a meeting. When told that would be impossible, the man reportedly threatened to arrive at Netanyahu's home and "finish him off."


Netanyahu's office personnel immediately contacted the police, who were able to locate the suspect. He was arrested for the alleged harassment and threatening of the Likud leader, and arraigned by the Rishon Lezion Magistrate's Court on Friday.


The court released the man on his own recognizance and issued a restraining order forbidding him from coming anywhere near Netanyahu.


Several hours after being let go, the man arrived at Netanyahu's Jerusalem residence and demanded to see him. The guards' refusal to let him in led him to threaten Netanyahu once more, at which point the security detail assigned to Netanyahu attempted to nab him, but he manage to escapes.


The police were informed of the incident and began a manhunt. The man was finally arrested at his brother's house in Holon. The police intend on having him arraigned against by Monday afternoon.  


פרסום ראשון: 10.20.08, 10:42
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