
'Preserve mixed Jaffa.' MK Hilo
Photo: Yaron Brener
Photo: Hagai Aharon
Akko clashes
Photo: Hagai Aharon

Jaffa's Jewish, Arab leaders meet to promote coexistence

Meeting between religious leaders of mixed city held amid fears Akko tension may spread. MK Hilo: We hope message of coexistence will penetrate the residents' hearts

In the aftermath of the fierce Yom Kippur clashes between Jews and Arabs in Akko, religious leaders in Jaffa met Wednesday evening to promote coexistence in the mixed city.


The idea to hold the meeting between Jewish, Muslim and Christian leaders was reached following the inauguration of a hesder yeshiva (combining advanced religious studies with military service) in the heart of the Arab Ajami neighborhood about a month ago.


Fearing a possible "explosion", many residents turned to Knesset Member Nadia Hilou (Labor), who resides in the city, to arrange the meeting in order to ease tensions.


Rabbi Eliyahu Mali, who hosted the meeting at the yeshiva, said he was aware of the tension in Ajami, and called on the Arab leaders to work toward calming their community to promote coexistence.


Sheikh Srur told the meeting, "Jaffa is where people come closer together; I expect there to be understanding between neighbors."


MK Hilo said the meeting opened a channel of communication between the community heads, adding that she hoped the meeting's message of coexistence would "penetrate the residents' hearts so we can preserve Jaffa as a mixed city."


Al Ajami neighborhood chairman Camel Agbaria also took part in the meeting.


פרסום ראשון: 10.30.08, 10:38
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